Winter Pet Care
During the winter months we all rug up and keep warm inside near the heater or fire. During this time, we spend more time indoors and may forget about keeping pets' vaccinations up to date or keeping parasites under control.
In Queensland, it is especially important to ensure that we don't have gaps in treatments since our winter climate is milder than the southern states' and many viruses and parasites are able to survive here or even continue multiplying. This means that come summer time, the intestinal worm, flea or tick populations can be very high and cause major problems.
Mosquitoes are also able to exist over winter here, so the threat of heartworm transmission to your pet is a year-round, life-threatening concern.
Ensure that vaccinations are always up-to-date. These dangerous diseases can be contracted at any time of the year.
If you're not sure of your pet's vaccination status or which products to use for parasite control, please pop-in or give us a call and one of the vets or nurses will give you a programme tailor-made for your pet and household.
Written by Dr Bronwen Thompson for Northgate Veterinary Surgery
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